From Gone Fishing to Gone Direct. #BTR #MMC @homeatix

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I. Introduction
– Overview of the article
– Importance of addressing affordable housing in the UK

II. Regeneration Projects in the UK
– Challenges faced by regeneration projects
– Importance of well-being, diversity, and zero carbon
– Focus on creating a sense of place
– Modular housing as a solution

III. Major Regeneration in the UK
– Insights from CEO of Real Estate Land Developments Limited, Roger Lewis
– Emphasis on place-making over rent seeking and promoting home ownership
– Importance of community infrastructure levy payments

IV. Concerns about Misuse of Public Funds and Lack of Transparency in Planning
– Controversy surrounding the Westferry development and Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick’s approval
– Tower Hamlets Council’s handling of the case
– Need for an even playing field and addressing the housing problem without more development

V. Subvertising in Belfast: Using Advertising to Promote Social Housing
– Build Homes Now campaign and subvertising as a tool for promoting social causes
– Proposal for real solutions for social housing
– Importance of activism and citizen involvement

VI. Conclusion
– Recap of key points
– Importance of fair and transparent planning system for all members of society

I. Introduction
– Explanation of the purpose of the text
– Brief overview of the topics covered

II. Home@ix: Revolutionizing Affordable Housing with ESG Bonds
– Description of Home@ix and its innovative approach to affordable housing
– Discussion of the UK’s affordable housing crisis and Home@ix’s solution
– Explanation of Home@ix’s tech platform and ESG bonds
– Emphasis on Home@ix’s focus on green credentials and social impact investing

III. The Great Reset: A Plan for a New World Order
– Overview of the Going Direct Reset proposed by retired central bankers
– Explanation of the BlackRock proposal and its implications for government fiscal policy and central bank policy
– Discussion of the shift towards central bank digital currencies and the creation of a new financial hub in Dubai
– Mention of the Bank of London and its proposal to purchase SVB’s UK arm

IV. The Going Direct Paradigm Blog
– Explanation of flaws in the current monetary system
– Discussion of the conflict of interest in controlling inflation and benefiting from higher interest rates
– Explanation of the solution to creating a more cooperative and generous economy
– Discussion of institutional and corporate corruption within the system
– Mention of Catherine Austin Fitts and Chris Hedges’ work on the financial system

V. Conclusion
– Summary of the main points covered in the text
– Call to action to work towards positive change in the financial system

Outline: The Importance of Build to Rent in the UK Housing Market

I. Introduction
– The UK housing market has experienced significant changes in recent years, with the rise of Modern Methods of Construction and Self-Build Custom Homes.
– The Build to Rent (BTR) market has also grown rapidly since 2016 and is expected to remain strong post-pandemic due to its low risk for institutional investors.

II. What is Build to Rent?
– BTR is a housing model where developers build properties specifically for the rental market.
– The properties are designed to cater to the needs of renters, providing high-quality accommodation with a range of amenities.

III. Current State of the BTR Market
– The BTR sector in the UK has been experiencing record highs in investment for the fourth consecutive year.
– The sector is expected to continue to grow as market indicators, economic trends, and policy changes affect the sector.

IV. Challenges Facing the BTR Market
– Planning challenges, ESG factors, investor appetite, demographics, planning policy and regulation, economic uncertainties, prop tech solutions, successful scheme ingredients, environmental impact, and social impact must all be considered for BTR’s continued growth and success.

V. Conclusion
– BTR is a critical sector that attracts growing investment and diversifies the UK’s housing supply.
– Successful BTR schemes require functional living spaces, interior design, communal spaces, and connections to the community.
– BTR can contribute to wider climate goals by ensuring reuse and recycle are core to development.

I. Introduction
– Overview of the current state of the UK housing market
– Importance of identifying trends and challenges in the industry

II. Investor-developer partnerships
– Benefits of partnering with investors for developers
– Likelihood of increased partnerships in the coming years
– Impact on Multifamily schemes and construction starts

III. Build to Rent (BTR)
– Current state of the BTR market in the UK
– Major players and their investments
– Challenges and opportunities for the BTR market

IV. Modern methods of construction (MMC)
– Rise of MMC in the UK housing market
– Government policies and initiatives to support MMC
– Investment from institutional investors

V. Financialisation and its impact on housing production
– Shift in priorities for major housebuilders
– Negative effects on affordability and solutions to address them
– Role of banks in addressing the affordable housing crisis

VI. Strategic alliances and the Trust and Productivity play book
– Formation of alliances to address urbanisation mega trends
– Importance of considering potential risks associated with volumetric and modular construction methods
– Government initiatives to improve productivity and maximise economic, environmental, and social value

VII. BTR map of the UK
– Number of BTR homes in the UK, including London and the regions
– Breakdown of BTR units in London and outside London

VIII. Conclusion
– Importance of staying informed about trends and challenges in the UK housing market
– Need for appropriate use of frameworks and consideration of potential risks associated with MMC and BTR
– Opportunities for investment and collaboration to address challenges in the industry.


​13. “In this response, it is assumed The Committee is seeking to further the public interest, even where this may conflict with the private interests which usually dominate the analysis and debate. This will pose a major challenge to those who have learned their analysis exclusively through channels devoted to promoting private interests, and must “unlearn” erroneous but pervasive assumptions and principles”.
Dr Adrian Wrigley quoted from the Fiscal Reform group paper submitted to the Commons Select Committees > Treasury > 

​Our first major research paper was released in 2020 in which that quote featured much of the subject matter we address is subject  to a highly polarised and continuing political debate we ask our readers to take up Dr Wrigleys challenge  and at least suspend, if not, “unlearn” erroneous but pervasive assumptions and principles”.
The Affordable Finance a framework of understanding is augmented by the Home@ix mindmap at this link.

Home@ix Slide Presentation New by Real-Estate Land Development Limited
 Hello there! I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to address some questions that have been asked about why I stopped publishing, why I started publishing why I have 3 blogs etc. The truth is, after running my own direct test, I came to the conclusion that change is not possible through journalism, media, or online debates. However, I do believe that if we participate in the system, we can work towards positive change. It’s important to recognize that almost everyone contributes to the system, so blaming only the top would be disingenuous.

Moving forward, I recommend checking out Catherine Austin Fitts for those who want to continue learning about the financial system. Additionally, Chris Hedges’ book Empire of Illusion offers insight into the spiritual and psychological dimensions of our situation. The Going Direct Paradigm mind map is the most comprehensive collection of our own research.

As we face a necessary reset of the rules, it’s important to accept and adjust to the inevitable upheaval. Chris Martenson’s material was recommended by Damon Vrabel, I am less of a fan of his but his work can help to understand the exponential rule set and take steps to minimize the impact on our local communities.

Let’s work together towards a better future.

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